Friday, September 22, 2023

Shots (Not the Fun Kind)

Every single thing that has ever existed, from atom to organism, has had a weakness. Diamonds are brittle. Achilles was vulnerable on his heel. And, as continuously debated by the most enlightened, philosophical thinkers of this day and age, the greatest example of a weakness-- what truly exemplifies the dynamic between predator and prey-- is me and the Camera Shots Quiz.

Fifteen shots to develop a story, each building upon the last to develop the introspective meaning behind anything one's heart desired to share. My heart didn't really have any ideas, so I went with my teammate's, which was phone addiction.

The biggest hurdle of the quiz wasn't fulfilling the required shot types, it was trying to come up with a half-decent storyline. Most of our ideas were rather shit; they weren't incomplete or riddled with plot holes, they were just really weak. The time limit constrained what we could do, so we came up with some easy plot that just progressed through the school day. I didn't know the guy very well and didn't want to do anything afterschool, so we make do with what we have. It was alright; very bare minimum and a couple of continuity errors, so overall a 6/10.

I think if I could do it again I'd take more time to develop the theme and premise. It was such a rushed project, and I know if I just took more time it'd improve drastically.


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uhhhhhhhhhh. pebis?

i'm an adult now. i think Before I... well... yap, there's something I want to say about the way I write these blogs, that you hones...

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