Monday, November 18, 2024

i blog.

i lost my airpods

My astronomy project has taken a bit of a turn. It all started way back (a few days ago) when I began writing out my thoughts on Dune and came to the swift self-actualization of "holy shit, I'm yapping about nothing".

Apparently, knowing that Western society kinda sucks and has a really horrendous history isn't the same as knowing how it sucks and how it affected people and how we got here and blah blah blah blah. To make a long story short, I'm in the process of researching a lot more on American policies in MENA (Middle East and North Africa) in the mid-1900s, as well as just reading a lot more on the different themes and critiques of Dune.

And through this process, I've realized that one thing I really want to dedicate some blog space to is the absolute beauty that is Google Scholar. To my friends who are still in high school, Google Scholar is something your English teacher beats into your head as you go through your gen-eds, but over time I've found it really useful.

While a regular Google Search on how America influence the Middle East in the 20th century would give me anything a half-baked analysis on foreign policies during the time to some random ass website ranting about "what's wrong with Islam", searching for stuff on Google Scholar actually gives you so much content on a specific content. Granted, you'll still probably have to sift through a bunch of random papers, but there's a lot more information in each one, not to mention they often reference other papers you can explore too.

After receiving a call from Mateo, coincidentally him on the verge of tears begging me to download and send him a Google Scholar article, I feel obligated to mention that it's a great resource once you're already in college, as the university gives you access to most of the papers you find. Oops.

On a more personal note..

Firstly, I have some things to say about the aesthetic of this blog; sorry about all the words... I know some of you have the attention span of a dementia-riddled goldfish with ADHD, but there's not really many supplementary images and videos I can attach when I'm talking about my own thoughts. Also, about the frequency of my blog posts, I really only want to post something when I feel as though I have enough to talk about. I'd say this post is probably the last one I'm sort of forcing myself to make by a certain date, from here on out there'll be a much wider gap between posts.

And now for the personal shit.

In Loving Memory

I am not dying. Feel like the image can be misinterpreted that way, so I just wanna put that out there. Not dying. What is dying though is my hair follicles, God rest their souls. 

If you knew me in high school your first reaction to this information is probably "yeah, no shit", but post-graduation my hair actually grew back quite a bit. I feel like the biggest reason for this was that the nightmare-inducing stress that plagued the past four, or honestly the last thirteen, years of my life (the American public school system) was now gone. I've also been taking meds for years, so that probably played a part in it too.

But recently my horrendous genetics (literally every male in my bloodline is bald) have caught up to me yet again, and I'm at a point in my life where I can, albeit very reluctantly, accept that I will be and look fine without hair, despite what I may initially think or what other people might say.

It feels weird to get any kind of personal on a quasi-shitpost website called Brain Fog Central, so I'll try to be (relatively) quick. I've always had really bad self-image issues, stemming from being born with Poland Syndrome, but after a long time I eventually grew to accept that, though I still have some days where it does affect my mental health. 

When my hair started falling out early into high school, it had a pretty similar effect on me, except this time I couldn't just hide it from myself and the world by throwing on a shirt. I wouldn't say I was ever bullied in high school, but there were many people who would comment on it or use it as an insult towards me. Even if the person meant it in a joking manner, it would still really hurt and cause me to spiral into a series of self-deprecating horseshit that I won't get into. 

Hair is obviously a big part of both my and everyone's self-image; it's always there when you look in the mirror. But I think my biggest mistake was conflating my self-image with my self-worth. How I look will always change--not only my hair, but everything about my body. At this point though, it feels unfathomably moronic to think that because I'll look different I'll look less physically attractive, or even be any lesser of a person.

There will always be someone who thinks I look like I crawled out of a shit-throwing contest in the New York City sewer system, regardless of whether or not I grow my hair out. There will always be some acquaintance who teases me without realizing the weight of their words (shoutout Nova High School). But I only have who-knows-how-many years left to make as much content for Brain Fog Central as possible, so I just have to accept my losses and keep it moving.

That's really it for this post. Again, I can't really say when the next one will be; since this is a full-ass blog, I'm really asking for a lot out of you guys to read through everything, so I want to make sure that everything I post is something I feel is worth me writing and you reading. In what might be my first and last genuine moment on this shithole of a website, I am extremely grateful to all of you who take the time to read this, it means so much to me.

I'm back in town on Thursday. Prepare.


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you CfR. You are the beacon of light that shines on my soul

  2. I’ll scour the earth for drugs to force my TikTok riddled brain to read the entirety of this blog post one day. And when i do be prepared.


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