Tuesday, November 12, 2024

"Cogito ergo sum" - Jesus, maybe

I'm tired of philosophy

One of the most beautiful things about my local film school is that any students of said school, in the process of filming a project, are bound to one of humanity's most extraordinary concoctions: union regulations.

Through a (about half-year) period of my life, I had spent weekend after weekend working from the asscrack of dawn in some teenager I barely knew's house (through the gracious benevolence of their parents) making a 3-5 minute short film in 8 hours; and while I think that it's genuinely incredulous that I managed to walk away from that experience with the thought, "hey I want to do more of this (acting)", some part of me should have really taken that thought, and followed it up with "am I a masochist".

With the beauty of union regulations, however, I can give that answer a definitive "hopefully not"! You see, there's this concept humanity came up with millennia ago, nomenclated in English as the word "food", and after about six hours, all members of a film crew operating under union regulations are required to be given it.

I found that out yesterday. Mind. Blowing.

Me after two slices of free pizza

I don't really want to make my day on set the fulcrum of this post, a big reason being that I'm not sure how much I'm even allowed to say, but also because there's not much to say. I only acted, so I don't really have some deep connection and analysis to the project to explore on here, thus I won't.


Trying to motivate myself to start doing substantial work on Home has been iffy. Generally, my writing process is very slow, as I'll take a lot of time finding the right words to describe simple scene action. My style of writing (professionally, obviously not bloggingally) is rather abstract, so I also need to take the time to tone it down to a language that makes sense to anyone reading it. That's not to say that I just write on a "deeper level" or some shit like that, rather that the DSM-6 will have a substantial section filed under the name Armesto.

        NOTE: If you've got some shit to say about the image quality on this blog, I accept critiques in the             form of Photoshop subscription donations.

So needless to say I'm a bit miffed with my progress on that project. I do have a general outline for about half of the plot, but fleshing it out has been more tedious than I expected. Also, just for future reference, the novel idea I mentioned in my last post will probably not even begin conception until summertime, as the basis of the plot requires me to have a fundamental understanding of atomic physics, which I have neither the time nor effort nor patience for studying at this present moment.

You may ask, why would you ("you" being from your perspective, ergo meaning me ("me" being from my perspective)) need a fundamental understanding of atomic physics? To which I would respond, mind your ("your" being from my perspective, ergo meaning you(r)) fucking business.

I love thought experiments.

On a more serious note, though, the deadline for my astronomy video, whilst rapidly approaching, teeth rabidly heat-seeking my asscheeks, is still a few weeks out, so I do have some liberties with my approach to the project, but it's still really dependent on my ability to, como se dice, lock the fuck in. 

Just as a fun little aside between you and me, this website is unfathomably shit, and trying to put an accent mark over that first "o" made have to retype this section twice. Thanks Blogger!

One of the main limitations (following a perpetual state of lethargy) is that I don't have anywhere to film. I share a room with someone, and while I could ask for the room, I don't want him to start thinking this is a give-and-take relationship, 'cause then he'll start asking me for the room and that's just not acceptable. To anyone in high school reading this, you'll understand when you're older.

Aside from that, there's also the fat, steamy pile of a question that is equipment. I don't go to the film school, so I can't exactly borrow equipment from there, and believe it or not, I'm fucking broke, so I don't want to try and rent out video equipment from a place in the city. My friend offered to let me borrow his camera, but I'd still need to figure out audio.

My solution to both of these issues is the same: I'm going home for Thanksgiving.

My Master Plan (trademarked)

Basically, I don't have to worry about finding a place to record, because I have my own room back home (despite my sister taking it over). Also, I have two great avenues for getting equipment: the first, and honestly more fun, way is begging my friends back home who own camera equipment to lend me their shit. I don't know who has what though, so that might be a hassle.

The second path is hitting up my dear old pal Jimmy G. from BECON-TV for some equipment. I think he'd let me, as McFatter college students will occasionally borrow stuff from him, but I don't really know if I'd be able or willing to drive all the way over there after 3 months without a car. My life is so hard.

I'm holding in a massive shart as I write this

I'm not real. There is no Brain Fog Central. There is no "Armesto". There is no Queen of England. You have to let me go--it's been 14 years. I just want you to move on.

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