Tuesday, March 26, 2024

i want better for you, maurice

The Political and Economic State of the World Right Now

I have not edited jack SHIT these past two days. In my defense, I'm burnt out from literally everything and I need a break. Also in my defense, editing does not take that long. I can knock out a line edit and soundscape in one night, and it's not that hard to add VFX, seeing as I'm literally just following tutorials.

Coloring might take a while if I choose to take my time with it, but also I'm lazy and want to finish this shit already.

The hardest part is going to be the spaceship. I watched the tutorial fully, and while it's possible to follow along, it relies on you to eyeball the modeling, whereas the black hole was just copying the numbers I saw on-screen.

Speaking of the black hole, I DM'ed the original creator, Alaskan FX, to ask how he animated it.

I have no damn clue what this means but. Okay. Better than nothing

It's Tuesday

I'm in New Orleans. Hooray. I also haven't done any editing. Yippee.

It's not my fault; I've been working like a dog for the past... I don't even know how long it's been. I needed a break to play Minecraft and shit.

But starting tomorrow I'm back on the grind.. I hope. I'm gonna be doing some tourism but other than that I'm gonna be grinding. If I'm not too tired I'll try and get a line edit done tonight.

Oh. I also wrote my CCR script on the flight. Trust me when I say there's a lot more than just this, in fact I might've done too much, so I might trim that in the coming days.

I don't want to show the whole script because it's not done yet, and also I don't like putting my stuff on here believe it or not. Last thing before I go into a po' boy-induced food coma, I'm gonna try and keep the "reality" scenes to 1:30 or 1:45 so that I have room for a max. of 30 seconds of the animated footage. Bye.

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