Tuesday, April 2, 2024

The Finale (for realsies)

Goodbye everyone.

This project is the last thing I will have done before becoming an adult (legally, not mentally). It's a really weird feeling. I don't want to say I'm very attached to it, but I've been working on it for over a month, and working on this blog for even longer. I love this shithole of a website.

My CCR itself is pretty crap; I really only cared about the opening (sorry). I only used two sources (again, oopsie).

“What Is Science Fiction Writing? Definition and Characteristics of Science Fiction Literature - 2024.” MasterClass, 1 Sept. 2021, www.masterclass.com/articles/what-is-science-fiction-writing-definition-and-characteristics-of-science-fiction-literature.

Menadue, Christopher Benjamin, and Susan Jacups. Who Reads Science Fiction and Fantasy, and How Do They ..., James Cook University, 2018, researchonline.jcu.edu.au/54351/1/WhoReadsSFnF.pdf.

Regardless of how bad the CCR is, I'm so proud of how much I tried on the opening, even if I did procrastinate editing it and started like two days ago...

And finally, I made a promise in a blog post about a month or so ago regarding what I'd say for my final post. 

I have no fuckin' idea

The Finale (film finale not post finale)


Monday, April 1, 2024

Reflection (not creative nor critical (nor creative and critical))

Well. Shit.

There's so much I can say about this project, but there's even more I already have said. It's been such a deranged journey for me. When I started, I decided I only had two goals: to try my absolute best, and to actually enjoy the process of making it.

There's been times where I struggled to fulfill either, but now that I'm almost at the end, I can finally say, without a shadow of a doubt: I am not cut out for this shit.

I don't know if I enjoyed it. I think just having a due date is enough to stress me the hell out, even if it is over a month's worth of time. Also, I lost a week of being able to work on this due to STN, but even then I'm not sure if I would've made adequate use of that extra time.

I absolutely did try, though. Even if I procrastinated at some points, I worked my ass off when it counted, and I hope anyone who sees the opening, regardless of whether or not they enjoyed it, can tell that I put all my effort in.

To wrap it all up like a chicken wrap

My next two blogs will be the Opening and CCR, so in a sense this is my last "real" blog post. And there's only one person whose image I can put on here that will truly do the honors of closing this year out.

Love ya, cousin

balling out my gourd

  Coming up as a wee lad, my general fitness was, how do you say , a sporadic shitshow. When I was in the early grades of elementary school,...

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